Monday, April 2, 2012

Fairly New Attack ad

Hi, I would like to bring your attention to the new Tory attack ad on Bob Rae, Leader of the Opposition. The ad refers to him when he was Premier of Ontario. So what's his record? If you're from Ontario you already know, and you're still paying. lol

1. High Taxes (we're gonna buy our way out of this recession)

2. Job Losses. Ontario lost so many jobs because of Government policies that discouraged business from coming into the Province. They went to other Provinces like Manitoba, who had no objection to new business coming here. There was a Government employee who quit her job because of already high taxes, taxes going higher, and the social contract that penalized government employees from statuatory holidays. She was already paying higher taxes overall, but was now, with the rest of Ontarians, forced to pay with a smaller income. She quit her job that I think paid her over $50,000/yearly to go on welfare. I personally don't think it was the right thing to do, but well, the media ate it up and the Premier had to give an explanation for it.

Another thing that happened that embarassed the Government was that it put out ads for Job Positions. In these ads, it posted the job position, salary, what to do, where to apply. Also in the ad it had a notice that said: "white men need not apply." How awful. Imagine that federally.

3. Social Assistance: In Ontario there were 1.2 million on welfare.

4. Deficit: Ontario had the biggest deficit which was over $7.1 billion. OUCH!

In the ad Boob Rae (that was his nickname) says, that he is in fact Proud of his record as Premier of Ontario.

There is another way of looking at this which is, Bob will not likely make it to become Prime Minister, because of his record. His record does speak for itself and it's not good, even if he's switches political stripes from NDP to Liberal. So there will have to be eventually a new liberal leader, Bob Rae is only there to fill the gap. In Ontario there are about 108 federal ridings which if you want to win a federal election, you have to win in Ontario. Not Bob Rae. Personally I think if you lived in Ontario at the time, or not, you will base your decision on the leader, and on his record. And it's not good.
Another thing is that the Tories are in fairly decent shape. They have a Majority, they are managing the key issues right now like lower taxes, the deficit which they need to deal with, the economy as well as job creation. I have never felt it more personal that a person will never blame any Government or any policy they make then the job that they work at. People want to work. But if they lose it, if even you are unable to find a new job, you will blame the government. If not now (if you're currently looking for employment) eventually you will. Job creation is important.
Under Bob Rae and the NDP 1991-95, it was estimated that only 6-7,000 jobs were created. They had some really dum policies which really hurt the Province in job creation.

Overall, people are pleased with this Tory Government and it's policies. Maybe possibly, they can will another mandate. Here is the latest:

Have a nice day.