Monday, March 7, 2011

Painting it all Blue

Well, with a Provincial election looming and McGuinty's numbers dwindling (the latest is that he stands at 16% in popularity), it looks like we may have a new Premier in the name of Tim Hudak. Good news, people in this City, Province and Country are finally giving the Right, a chance to manage things. Everything the Left does is expensive, which is why you hear things lines like "tax me, I'm Canadian", or lines which I made up like "tax me even more, I live in Toronto." I never liked that License Renewal Tax. Now, the left wing media, The Star, The Globe are criticizing Mayor Rob Ford for the loss of revenue for cutting the car tax. It says he's lost about $64 million. What I say is, "Is there anybody who like it?. I didn't. That was the most unfair tax grab out there. There's one other thing people don't like, actually, two things. No three. One is hydro rates, which is downright outrageous in this Province. People, are paying over $100 bucks a month. It gets worse with the HST added in. My Cell phone, along with everything else, including my grocery bill, has gone up dramatically. Let's not forget the price of gas, and what the HST has done to that. Ever since July/10, when this tax came in, the price of gas has jumped to over a dollar a litre. In the beginning, it was about $1.03. Today, it's $1.19 per. This can really come back to hurt the McGuinty liberals, because people are not only mad, they are reminded (everytime they put gas in the car), of the tax. They also remember David Miller and his car tax, and Paul Martin and the Sponsorship Scandal, which is why we are anxious to paint everything blue.

What may be different about this coming campaign is how the Tories are faring in Toronto. Traditionally, Tories of any level, whether Municipal, Provincial, or Federally have not fared well in the GTA. I think the last federal seat in to be owned by a Conservative in Toronto was in the 1988 election, which the Progressive Conservatives won quite easily. Provincially, it's been better, but still not that good. But now, the latest poll has the Provincial Tories in a virtual tie with the liberals. 36% liberals, 32% Tories. That's just in Toronto. The Tories have nearly a ten point lead Province wide.

One more thing, We're seeing it now, what with the left wing media (eg. Toronto Star), taking it's shots at Jason Kenney and his letterhead, their issue with "Ford Nation" as well as Hazel McCallion who they've been shooting at all along. With a lot of people moving to the Right, you can be sure that, that liberal supporting media outlet will have it's hands full with Tim Hudak as Premier, Rob Ford as Mayor and Stephen Harper, Prime Minister. Just watch as they talk about how everything that's wrong , how everything is a crisis, how the government needs to act, or not doing enough, better yet, how they take their shots at the Police. I'm glad we live in a City that people can see through the media hype, and can make an informed decision. We can decide on who actually is the best to lead this City, this Province, this Country into the future. It doesn't always have to be Tories. I mean, even Tories mess up once in a while. Still, we have confidence. Here's the latest,

1 comment:

  1. I am a member of the Ontario PC party.

    I am still waiting for even a hint of real policy from Mr. Hudak. I keep hearing he is "keeping his powder dry" for the election, but I think this is a mistake. Look what John Tory sprung on us last election, and how that ended up.
