Monday, April 11, 2011

liberal red book

Statism: A program or viewpoint that looks to the State for resolution of social and moral problems rather then individual effort.

The liberal policy seen on it's website; is just full of ideas of how it wants to run things. There is a page that says: Liberals believe governments can be and must be, a positive force in the lives of citizens. Later it says:

"The federal public service is in need of renewal across its full range of functions, not just in front-line delivery. But its challenges have been greatly aggravated in recent years by the Harper government’s distrust of professional public servants. Conservatives have publically attacked, fired or forced into resignation officials who acted responsibly, or offered expert advice, well-informed opinion and sound technical analysis they found inconvenient."

But actually if you read the Commentary of the National Post in the past, you will find that the Public Service has actually increased under the Harper Government. What Michael Igantieff and the liberals are saying in the policy is, we'll increase it even more. "Under liberal leadership, the federal government will return to it's long established roll as a strong partner in health and healthcare" liberal policy statement.

"While Provinces and Territories are struggling with escalating costs, it's far from clear that more money is the only solution." quoted from liberal website

What they suggest is more accountablility, more value for the tax buck. What I suggest is: Can they? Can anyone? They say that healthcare is becoming more expensive with more escalating costs, yet if you read just above that, it says a liberal government will cover, home care and drug coverage which I believe is pharmaceutical, as well as mental health and palliative care (whatever that is).

Question. If costs are going up, why are we promising to spend more?

Our healthcare system is not set up for saving money. It is full of employees who are unionized, governments with billions to spend, laws which they say are there to protect us, but are really there so we don't go anywhere else for treatment. Our healthcare system is really a monopoly.

If you look above, I included the meaning of Statism. One look at the liberal red book, and you can see how it wants to be that State. I leave you with this. Take care.

Have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. "Liberals believe governments must be a positive force in the lives of citizens"

    Or, more accurately, "Liberals believe governments must be a force in the lives of citizens"

    Run! Run as fast as you can! Liberals fundamentally do not believe you should be allowed to run your own life. These are dangerous, evil people. Run!
